
Nadia Elena Comaneci

When she competed in the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games, the Olympian became a worldwide sensation by scoring the very first perfect ten in asymmetric bars. In the following years, she was able to score another perfect 10 which made her the youngest Olympic gold medalist in all sports in the world at just 14. In addition to attracting interest, she also assisted in helping Romania establish itself as a world-class athlete. This sporting legend gained international fame when she scored an unimaginable score. She became a legend and helped to popularize gymnastics across the world. The sport changed the way people view female gymnasts. Her contribution to the Olympics was so great that her two routines including the toe-on as well as the release move is dedicated to her. Both are rated as difficult to the highest level. Also, she performed very well in World Championships, European Championships and Olympics. It created a legend for her, and she's now one of the top gymnasts around the